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Guest Post: Why Powdered Green Tea is the Trendy Choice for Bubble Tea Shops

Green Tea with Lemon

Guest Post: Why Powdered Green Tea is the Trendy Choice for Bubble Tea Shops

Why Powdered Green Tea is the Trendy Choice

Being a business owner, you must always stay one step ahead of your competition. So, with more Bubble Tea Shops opening and trendier drinks (like Powdered Green Tea), it’s vital to see what products you can sell that will distinguish your brand over others.

This is where different types of powdered tea and Matcha come into play.

As more Bubble Teas are being created. And more shops/restaurants are selling them, it’s vital to take full advantage of the new trends.


Use this link to get a Free Sample of Green Tea with Lemon for your bubble tea shop!


How matcha is getting popular in Bubble Tea Shops

Since it was reported on some global news networks a few years back how Matcha is growing in popularity outside of Japan, it has increased even more in popularity than before.

CBS and ABC were the global news networks that reported about Matcha. However, even though the popularity of Matcha is growing significantly, many Bubble Tea shops are still unaware of this potential goldmine. With this fact alone, your business can have a clear, competitive advantage over those Bubble Tea shops in the dark about Matcha.

That news report stated that Matcha sales in the U.S. increased to over 10 billion dollars in 25 years, a five-fold growth. And even though it’s relatively new in the United States, it is springing up more in cutting-edge restaurants. Also, the community of Matcha is growing on social media with beautiful photos, blogs, creations, and the sharing of ideas on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

There are also more strategic plans of moguls to expand Matcha to the masses for mass-produced, pre-made Matcha drinks, such as bottled caffeinated drinks that can be bought in stores throughout the nation.

As the saying goes (a colloquialism): “Get it while the getting is good”.  It will behoove you to take full advantage of this grand opportunity, especially before the market gets saturated with this product.

You will have an edge over your competition. And you will gain more return customers who will trust and know that you will deliver awesomely delicious products that will supersede other companies.


Why is Matcha becoming so popular?

Besides the fact that Matcha tastes delicious, other benefits have caught customers’ attention. The other benefits that are attracting customers include the following:

  • Many customers feel it works better than coffee in waking them up.
  • It has more fiber.
  • It has more antioxidants than regular green tea has.
  • They have extra vitamins and chlorophyll for detoxing.


How to flavor Matcha is getting popular in Bubble Tea.

In addition to the brand awareness. Making people aware of the benefits of Matcha as mentioned above.

The different flavors of Matcha are getting brand awareness in other ways.

  • By Being Advertised, And Displayed In Various Ways On Social Media,
  • Showing Various Recipes Of Different Flavored Matcha
  • Having Taste Testing Comparisons At Restaurants, And More


And with this growing trend, there seems to be another flavored Matcha drink created every time a person looks online on search engines and social media.


Why flavored powder tea is good for Bubble Tea

With Bubble Tea and Matcha gaining more popularity and demand, it’s essential to realize that flavored powder tea is the critical ingredient for Bubble Tea.

Matcha is one form of powder tea that is the most popular. There are also other types of powder tea.

For instance, powdered green tea is another type that is a cheaper alternative to Matcha and is gaining popularity in Bubble Tea shops.


The main differences between Matcha and powdered green tea include:

  • The Plant Leaves
  • Part Of The Plant They Come From
  • Their Growing Process
  • How They Are Made


So, with these factors, you must get tons of various flavored powder tea that are growing in demand if you want to be successful and remain ahead of the competition in your business.

Also, since different flavors are gaining popularity amongst customers. It will beneift you to carry many flavors in your Bubble Tea Shop.


In Conclusion

More types of flavored powder tea are being created and are growing in popularity. Even Matcha is growing more popular, and more shops/restaurants are selling them. Thus, it will behoove you to take full advantage of this grand opportunity, especially before the market gets saturated with this product. You will have an edge over your competition. And you will gain more return customers who will trust and know that you will deliver awesomely delicious products. That will supersede other companies.

About the Author

Kei Japanese Green Tea







Kei Nishida

Kei Nishida is a Japanese green tea enthusiast, a writer, and the founder and CEO of Japanese Green Tea Company. His passion for introducing America to the tea of his homeland. Was the catalyst for creating the only company that brings high-quality tea from Arahataen Green Tea Farms to the rest of the world.

Having spent his early years in Japan, Kei Nishida has been fervent about green tea throughout his life. He credits his first career as a software engineer at Hewlett Packard (HP) for his interest in science, research, and writing, which influences his drive to source the best green tea for a wider audience today. He is also drawn to the research-driven approach by Arahataen farm to utilize the best technology for every batch.

Today, you can find his published work in Fresh Cup Magazine, Yoga Digest Magazine, T-Ching, and more. He is also the author of four published books.

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